Passive and Active vulnerability scanning

Passive and active vulnerability scanning are two approaches to finding weaknesses in an organization’s network. Weaknesses that cybercriminals could maliciously exploit. Every organization must run both passive and active vulnerability scans regularly. This is the only way to stay ahead of the cybercriminals who are running the same scans. The difference, however, is that hackers […]

What wireless security types are there?

Why do we have multiple wireless security types? Today, WiFi networks are either open with no protection or protected with one of four security types: WEP, WPA, WPA2, or WPA3. These security types represent an evolution in implementing improved WiFi security in response to identified vulnerabilities and exploits. WEP (Wired Equivalent Protocol) was defined in […]

Why field analyzers are critical for cybersecurity assessments

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This article discusses why field analyzers are crucial for conducting thorough and accurate assessments of an organization’s security readiness, identifying network vulnerabilities, and enabling security professionals to take corrective actions.This blog details how field analyzers can detect security vulnerabilities that network-based monitoring systems cannot. The Increasing Need for Cyber Security Assessments Cyber-attacks have become more […]